
Context Listening Tests

A context listening test finds items that contain personal examples with attached audio and uses them to test your listening comprehension. With each question you will hear the audio for the personal example and then be asked to fill in the missing text. This test is generally more effective than a basic listening test because you're hearing full sentences that use lexical items in context and not translating from your native language.

When generating a context listening test, the most important option you choose will be the amount of pre-fill text. This will determine how much text will be filled in for you and how much of the personal example you'll have to type in yourself. The choices are most, some, a little, or none.

Another important configuration option is answer precision. Answer precision indicates how exact you must be with your answer text in order for it to be counted as correct. Possible choices for answer precision are Identical, High, Medium, or Low. Of course, Identical means that your answer much match the missing text exactly. The other choices mean different things depending on the language of the answer. Typically, High means that both upper case and lower case letters will be acceptable. Low might mean that e and é are equivalent. You must do a little experimenting to know exactly how these options works relative to your language of study.

The configuration option show punctuation and symbols determines if you'll be asked to type in punctuation and symbols. When checked then all punctuation and symbols will automatically be filled in so that you'll only be asked to fill in actual letters or language relative content. Examples of punctuation are . ? ! ; : " ' () etc. Examples of symbols are % $ € @ # etc.

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